Saturday, June 24, 2006

Ken's "green" credentials in tatters

Yesterday, Ken Livingstone's "green" credentials were exposed as worthless for all see in City Hall. Under questioning from Green Party London List member, Darren Johnson, the Mayor admitted that London was going to miss it's target of a 20% reduction in CO2 emissions by 2010.

What's more, he admitted that the money for the scheme was being used to fund the 2012 Olympics (that's on top of our inevitable Council Tax rises). Is it really a surprise that the Tories on the GLA opposed the Mayor's budget when he can't even stick to it?

In true Stalinist style though, Ken has moved the goalposts. He's set a new target to cut London's emissions by 60% by 2050. A totally meaningless move given he'll very likely be dead by then, but it get's him off the hook for the rest of his life. It certainly makes a mockery of his assertion that
"Climate change is the biggest single problem facing all of us, all over the world, we can't carry on polluting the atmosphere with carbon emissions in the way we've been doing,"
Ken's claims to be an environmentalist always appeared a little suspect. Now that he's changed a target he only set two years ago in his "Energy Strategy" to one that he never has to actually meet that suspicion is well and truly confirmed.
Quote taken from edie

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